Never was there as good a time for practicing leadership the St. Luke’s way as right now. As we often explain in the Center for Leadership (CFL), leadership is about moving your community forward and making them better. It’s something everyone can do. Given the challenges of COVID-19, it’s up to all of us to do whatever we can to make our communities better. Yesterday, our Head of School Mark Davis wrote very compellingly about social distancing as a compassionate act of leadership in slowing down the spread of this virus. I am among those who canceled much-anticipated travel plans and am hunkering down for a period of social semi-isolation. And while we remain socially apart it’s an important time to come together as a community, as the Greater Good Magazine points out.
And there are other things we can all do to make our communities better in the midst of this crisis. I’ve been thinking a lot about people struggling with financial hardship in the best of times and have been deeply concerned about them. How are they getting along now that nonprofits are turning away volunteers? What’s happening to their funds now that people are panicking over their investments? There is evidence that acting outside of ourselves can help us with our own anxieties about our situation, as Lisa Damour highlights in #3 on her list of Five Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus. I have reached out to a number of our partner organizations to see how St. Luke’s School might be of service to them. It seems as though the biggest need (in addition to money) is food. Whether you’re willing to bring the food directly to the sites or order food through Peapod or similar local service, anything you can donate would be much appreciated. Some organizations that have reached out to us for help include:
If you know anyone who is in need of any services, please consider referring them to any of these above organizations. There are a lot of people out there who are willing to help and I’m grateful for every one of them. Let’s all work together to lead one another through this crisis with calm, thoughtful, compassionate vision.